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Bringing Gravity to Space

Feasibility testing of a mobile lower-body negative pressure suit in microgravity by parabolic flight

Published onOct 04, 2023
Bringing Gravity to Space

The fluid shift experienced in microgravity is one of the causes of spaceflight-associated risks in humans, including spaceflight-associated neuro-ocular syndrome (SANS) inflight and orthostatic intolerance (OI) after the transition to Earth or partial gravity in future planetary landings.

This long-term cranial fluid shift, as the primary cause for the prevalence of SANS and OI, can be temporarily reversed by applying lower-body negative pressure (LBNP), decreasing intracranial pressure (ICP), unloading cerebral structures, and inducing baroreceptor stress.

We aim to investigate the feasibility of a mobile LBNP suit in microgravity by parabolic flight. This GravitySuit combines cardiovascular stress from caudal fluid redistribution with mechanical load on muscle and bones from ground-reaction forces. Physiological responses inflight can be compared to those obtained from posture changes in the laboratory.

PI Lonnie Petersen demonstrating Ground Reaction Forces with mobile GravitySuit.

Primary Goals:

  • Demonstrating the feasibility of mobile LBNP in 0G

  • Assess Ground Reaction Forces in 0 and potentially partial G

  • Monitor physiological reactions to LBNP by HR and cont. MAP

Preparations are ongoing for the GravitySuits Zero-G feasibility test. The updated version of the Suit is currently being tested in the lab in different orientations in relation to gravity.

We are implementing cardiovascular monitoring to ensure subject safety amd learn about the physiological reactions to LBNP in partial- and Zero-G, which can later be compared to our laboratory tests.

Progress for flight mock-up. Finished CAD for mounting all equipment on base plate.

Further test runs with different LBNP (suit) designs, addressing mobility and collapsibility.

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